I am lost and filthy. I am without a home or family. Not in the eyes of the world but in the eyes of myself. Wash me clean and make me whole. The ceremony must be completed. The celebration is at hand. The oils smell sweet as they are anointed upon my head. The waters cleanse me of all the filth I had been carrying around. The adoption is made complete. I am welcomed into the home of my new family. Into the home of my Father. I am not alone anymore. I am safe and cared for. I am home.
I fell in the mud again. I thought it looked so inviting but it was not. I ruined my clothes and caked my body in filth. I was told not to play in the mud but I did not listen. I do not want to be in trouble but I know that I can not remain this way. I go show myself to my Father. I tell him what I did. He asks me if I am sorry for disobeying Him. I tell him that I am and that I will not do it again. He forgives me. Without reprimand or anger He tends to me, cleaning me up and giving me new clean clothes to wear. I become like new again. I know that I will likely end up playing in the mud again, but I promise myself that I will do my best to stay away from it so that I won’t be tempted.
I have been waiting for this day my entire life. Everyone looks forward to their wedding day, but mine is particularly special. It is one that anyone in the family can partake in and is not quite of this world. I am dressed in white by my Father. The ceremony begins. At last i can see my Bridegroom. He has been here with me all along. He is ready for me and I am excited to be with Him. He gives Himself to me in a way that I can receive Him. We become one, but not as the world sees. We become one in the eyes of my Father. I can feel His presence when I look within myself or when I see the fingerprints He leaves everywhere. Not everyone can see Him here but that is okay. He never leaves me and I never want Him to leave. I am His bride, the one He saved from the horrible fate He took upon Himself for my sake. He loves me unconditionally and I do my best to love Him just as strongly. It is hard sometimes but because He loves me I love Him.
It is time for me to finally be seen as an adult. The ceremony awaits. My Bridegroom holds me close as I await my time to receive my crown. My Father has prepared me for this. He has helped me choose a new name. A name that will aid me in growing closer to my Father, Bridegroom, and the Spirit that filled me when the adoption was fulfilled. The name I have chosen belonged to someone also close to my Father. A brother or sister in the family who has already passed on to the kingdom. I have taken the name of the person who I most connect to and wish to model my life after. My namesake will help me choose the paths I must take and guide me on my journey of life. At last, it is time. The oils remind me of my adoption, reminding me of how far I’ve come. It is time to welcome the Spirit once more. The oil is anointed upon me and my chosen name is spoken. I speak the words I have been instructed to me as a promise to serve my Father and my family with everything I am. I feel the invisible crown being placed upon my head as my Father speaks my new name. I feel the Spirit find a home within me, sending a warm spark within my soul to catch fire and burn brightly. Within the Spirit is my crown which has now found a home within me just as my Bridegroom has. I am now an adult in the family, ready to lead and take on the world with my family by my side. I am home.
I have gone through life with the Spirit within me, my Father guiding me, and my Bridegroom beside me. All three as one have shown me a person I want to spend the rest of my life with. After consulting Them, They have revealed to me that my choice is good and that as long as I am willing They will bless us. This is the wedding day everyone hopes for. This is the wedding that everyone expects when the word is spoken. At last it is my turn to experience it. The ceremony takes place in my Father’s home just as all of the other ceremonies have. In my Father’s home the kingdom and the world meet. My Bridegroom, through the power of my Father, Himself, and the Spirit, unites me to the person I have chosen to journey through the rest of my life with. We are united through Him as one flesh. There is only joy to be found here. We are one through Him. We now are partners in life, helping one another reach the kingdom while still in this world.
I have seen many others do this before. They wish to remain close to the Father, Bridegroom, and Spirit. They wish to serve the family only here. I have chosen to follow them and remain one with only my Bridegroom, Father, and Spirit. I have studied much to prepare me for this day. I will stay in the home of my Father with my Bridegroom and the Spirit. Here I will serve my family and guide others on the paths they must take. I make my vows during the ceremony and the Spirit floods me with guidance, wisdom, and many other gifts I will need on this journey. I now serve as one is chosen to serve; I serve my Father who knows better than I. He has led me here and He will lead me forward the rest of my life.
Either way
I have received this blessing many times before over the years. At times, I may have even given it. But this blessing is not only meant for times when I am still filled with much life left to live. Now I need it one last time. I need the healing blessing not for my condition but for my soul. My Father has not left me. I have never been alone. I have always been loved. Now it is time for me to enter the kingdom and leave this world behind, as others have done before me. I am given my Bridegroom to receive one last time before I will be with Him for all eternity in the kingdom. My loved ones surround me as this world fades away. The kingdom is just ahead and is glorious to behold. The Spirit leads me to my Father’s throne room, my crown at last visible on my head. My Father is awaiting me in the throne room, my Bridegroom seated at His right side. They embrace me in love, welcome me, and celebrate that I am at last home with Them.
Seven sacraments. Count them: Baptism, the welcoming into the family and washing away original sin. Reconciliation, the repentance and cleansing of the soul. Eucharist otherwise known as Holy Communion, where a soul receives and is united to Christ. Confirmation, where the Holy Spirit fills the soul and the person is identified an an adult in the faith. Marriage, where two people become one flesh and work together to get one another into heaven through God’s grace. Holy Orders, known as priests, deacons, nuns, monks, and the like who devote their entire lives to serving the Lord without the rest of the world holding them back. Anointing of the sick, a blessing that can be received by anyone at any time though it is most important to receive upon one’s deathbed. These are the sacraments that can be received, though very few receive all seven.
Thanks for your blog, nice to read. Do not stop.