There are thirty-one of them for sure
There may be more of them, but these are best the known.
Some may come as a shock; others may be expected
But they are The Concepts and prefer to be respected.
Physics is like Alice’s Wonderland; she makes no sense.
When she’s bored, she changes the rules, and no one knows any different.
She hardly follows her own laws, changing every now and again to fit her mood.
Her sanity is questionable to all but her and no one understands her without being her.
Knowledge is short with silver-grey hair.
He wears a monocle and can often be found with his nose in a book.
He usually keeps to himself save when he feels the urge to comment or correct.
He hardly looks up from whatever book he is reading or writing without a prompt.
Logic is the daughter of Knowledge and balance.
She always speaks her mind, always correcting others and spouting the obvious.
She thinks before she speaks but always says what she originally thought.
She jumps out of the second story math window when annoyed by others.
Darkness is dark, but not in the way that you may think.
She can be frightening when angered but otherwise she is gentle and sweet.
She provides shade against the sun and a blanket of comfort in the night.
She cares about humanity and ensuring things are not too bright.
Light is attached to Darkness at all times, he can never keep his arms off her.
He brings out the best in her just as she does him.
He provides light to the world, light to see by, and light to hope for.
He is bright and keeps Darkness calm when others anger her to the point of violence.
Sound never takes off his headphones and never shuts up on purpose.
He and Darkness hate each other, and she is the only one who can force him into silence out of spite.
Sound provides beat for the hearing, rhythm to feel, and waves for all to ride.
He cares for people of all shapes and sizes, for those who can hear and those who feel him.
Time is not the old man everyone claims him to be.
Time is a teenager with mood swings that speed him up and slow him down depending on what occurs.
Sometimes he dresses in a pantsuit while other times he dresses in sweatpants and a hoodie.
He likes to travel rather than stay put where he is.
Space is Time’s wife with dark blue skin made up of stars that shine with Darkness around.
Space tends to not move anywhere; she doesn’t move even to speak.
She uses telepathy to communicate when she wants to.
It is baffling how she and Time had Movement for a baby.
Movement has never been still for even a moment of her life.
Whether she is snapping her fingers, fidgeting, or bouncing off the walls she is moving.
She never stops and never will, which Space often complained about while pregnant.
Sometimes she hooks up with Sound, but she is usually too preoccupied dancing around.
Balance is Logic’s mother and Knowledge’s lover.
To whatever viewer sees her she appears as perfection.
Her other names are Equality and Order.
She is never too much of something or too little.
Chaos looks like the baby of Pennywise and The Joker.
He and the other Concepts don’t get along save for Logic who is the only one able to tolerate him.
He and Logic get along because they easily play together, even though no one knows how.
He and Balance hook up on occasion when art is being made.
Gravity is clingy and enjoys taking people’s things.
He hardly realizes he does so when objects fall to the floor.
He gets annoyed at all that flies and tries to convince them back down.
He and Buoyancy argue about Gravity’s clingy nature.
Buoyancy is Gravity’s girlfriend.
She usually gives him a hard time, enjoying refusing to let him have his way.
She pushes up when he pulls down.
She can be mean at times while at other times she has every right to be the way she is.
Death is one of the only Concepts who focusses solely on humanity.
She is a little flower child who always receives gifts from Life.
Her skin is bone with Day of the Dead markings decorating her body.
She is sweet and gentle when she takes the gifts Life hands over to her care.
Life is depressed when humanity calls him or Death cruel.
All he wants is to make people and his love happy.
He loves when babies are born and giving those in pain as well as content to Death to care for.
His heart breaks when people hate him and try to flee to his love, despite handing them over willingly.
Nature has green leafy skin and long moss hair, dressing in leaves and flowers.
She is the daughter of both Life and Death, despite what some may think of her.
Some call her a mother the way they call time a father, but this is not the case.
She and Sound get along better than most Concepts for some reason.
Destiny is only scary when it comes to the unknown.
The other name she goes by is Fate.
He is sweet and kind when followed but dangerous when angered.
She can be a loose cannon when she and Physics get together.
Love is not the most beautiful person you may ever see, despite being beautiful in her own way.
She is an innocent child who is precious to all who know her.
She gives herself freely to others without hesitation or fear.
She keeps Hate from acting up when she can.
Hate is a grouchy old man who is always angry unless he has Love in his arms.
He is only tolerable when Love is secure and safe while he holds her.
Because he cares for Love he is not despicable, but only for this reason.
He enjoys arguments, fighting, and war but always covers Love’s eyes when the world provides this.
Dream and Sleep are a packaged pair as many lovers are.
Both are always dressed for bed but Dream never has the bedhead that Sleep always does.
Sleep is a nice guy who is always nodding off.
Dream provides comfort and messages when Sleep works even when angered or frightened.
Matter is both positive and negative with how she acts around people.
She is the mother of Chemistry who knows when to behave and when to have fun.
Chemistry always knows when his mother is watching him and always tries to appease her.
Matter resembles a soccer mom who works as a lawyer.
Understanding is the husband of Matter and the father of both Chemistry and Common Sense.
He is a gift that many people fail to grasp or unravel.
He does his best to make himself available for when people need him.
It takes the person that needs him to wield him as he should be.
Common Sense is one of the best Concepts to befriend.
She will keep her friends out of trouble so long as they listen to her.
She gets annoyed when people do not heed her warnings.
Anger her enough and you will not be able to find her when you need her most.
Reason is similar to Understanding.
She is easily reasoned with and easily reasons with others.
She and Common Sense get along, but she prefers to hook up with Knowledge at the best of times.
She is always dressed and prepared for all situations even if the situation is unlikely.
Direction is always looking around or staring at his map.
He is always trying to decide where people should be going and likes to change his mind.
Sometimes he will suggest something that will turn out better than other suggestions.
He always shies away from praise, though, and keeps to his maps.
Speed is unofficially Movement’s sister.
The Concepts have yet to confirm Speed and Movement as sisters, but the belief remains.
Speed moves as much as Movement but adjusts between fast and slow.
Speed moves either slower than a snail or faster than light depending on what she involves herself with.
Beauty has always looked imperfect to the human eye in one way or another.
Every person who looks upon her sees her as his or her imperfect self.
Yet despite the flaws and imperfections people notice about themselves and thus as her,
She is beautiful in the eyes of all who behold her because she reflects what is beautiful of her viewers.
Reality resembles Physics only in how he is completely unpredictable and confusing.
He looks both solid and transparent at once, constantly switching back and forth between both states.
Another name he goes by is Illusion, claiming that “reality is an illusion” when people ask.
He mostly keeps to himself, contemplating and philosophizing everything around him.
Wisdom is the last Concept that is known to exist.
She only comes later when people have experienced various things.
She is a comfort most do not know until later, but she is often sought after as much as Love.
She is a gift that only God controls and always brings hope for the future due to hardships from the past.
These are the Concepts, the ones that everyone knows about.
There may be more out there that have yet to be recognized.
Each Concept has a personality and expected behavior.
Views will change when the world finally comes to terms with all the Concepts do for humanity.
But as you may suspect there is more to the Concepts than just this list,
For a host now commands them and wields their abilities.
What will happen with such powerful beings obeying her commands?
Will the world fall or be saved from all that has gone wrong with a human holding the reins?