Language is more than just mere communication.
Language is an art that can never be perfected even through years of study.
Language is fluid and changes with the turn of the tide.
Language can be used to comfort as much as it can be used to inflict pain.
Language can be found in images, words, expressions, and gestures.
Language is necessary for people to unite as one people rather than separate and remain alone.
Language is the backbone of society, allowing people to come together in understanding and communion.
Language is ever-changing and evolves with the people who use it.
Language is used between parent and child, friend and family alike, and more every day.
I use language as I write. I choose my words carefully and double-check the meaning to ensure I am understood.
I change my tone and the words I use depending on whom I am speaking to.
I filter my words around young children, bosses, teachers, and older generations.
I filter less when I am with friends and family that I am comfortable letting go with, speaking my mind more freely than I would otherwise.
For work and school, I must choose my words carefully so as not to receive penalties for poor word choice.
When I write in my diary I use my language bluntly and without any filters, communicating my true thoughts and feelings.
Language is a complex, beautiful, and powerful thing that is often taken for granted.
Never ever take language for granted.