A story being written is a puzzle
The writer has some of the pieces but may not have all at the start
The writer may know what the puzzle image looks like
For some check the image on the box and follow a premade outline
The writer may not know the finished picture until the puzzle is complete
For some choose to put together a puzzle from scratch
Some of the pieces are present from the beginning
Other pieces are missing and must be found before work can begin
Some pieces fit together easily while others wait until another piece is found to connect
Some puzzles are quick to finish
Other puzzles are years in the making until the project is done
A puzzle that seemed simple at first may have more pieces than originally suspected
A puzzle that was thought to be too big may only require some of the pieces provided
At the start of the puzzle, nothing is for certain
All that remains is for the puzzle to be completed and victory to be enjoyed
So what is the puzzle you are facing now?
Is it taking too long or easy to complete?
Will you give up, or will you push through the frustration?
Remember, this is just another puzzle to enjoy and a new finished product to discover.