It is still up the moon is now
How to be free I’ll show you how
Never again to linger or wait
But to sing a song, a song so great
Pleased to be in the presence of thee
I now bow on bended knee
For you I sing so high so low
So happy am I, I glow
Pleased am I at the grace surrounding me
Never to fall away from my path
To sing through the sorrow and joy in the world
chosen by Him, to bring all back
Bring them back
Pleased to be in the presence of thee
I now bow on bended knee
for you I sing so high so low
So happy am I, I glow
Praise be to God for all he has done for me
Never wavering nor failing me here
Sing praise to all whom know him
Love will come to you, it will come, believe me here
Please to be in the presence of thee
I now bow on bended knee
For you I sing so high so low
So happy am I, I glow