Do not go to stupid places with stupid people to do stupid things
That was instilled in me from a young age
It has kept me safe for the most part
Do not join any protest march, no matter the intent
Protests almost always end in violent mobs
Stay away from those
I walk along the river walk, enjoying a stroll
The Black Lives Matter protestors march overhead across the bridge
Why do they only focus on black lives?
Are not all lives equally worthy of life?
I open my mouth to retort that all lives matter when a hand covers my mouth
That will only make them angry, I am told
Do not make them into a mob that will come attack you
I nod and keep my mouth shut, staying put until most of the protestors have crossed
I keep walking after that
I research the movement as soon as I get home
The reason they repeat Black Lives Matter is to point out the pain
The pain has continued for centuries and is still not over
The injustice that still occurs today
All lives matter but some lives need to be highlighted
That is the intent of the march and the phrase
That makes sense, however, there is more
The movement was started by black women
The intent was always for a peaceful protest and awareness making
Yet extremists use the movement to create mobs and riots
More violence has sprouted and the pain continues
Good intentions with twisted results
Is there no end in sight?
I shake my head and sigh
Black Lives Matter, I say
One day such statements will no longer be needed,
but for now, keep your head down and stay out of their way
Let them do what they will
You cannot stop them
Just keep to yourself and live on
That is all you can do.