Ethnicity is a person’s roots
It usually gets confused by race
Ethnicity is about community, culture, and background
Race deals with appearance
The government considers ethnicity and race
Put us in boxes and file us away
People do the same on the street
Take one look and opinion is made before we even meet
Some white folks consider me ‘one of the good ones’
They open up and can get really racist
I wish they wouldn’t
Some people, black and white, question the validity of my blackness
Black folks especially say I speak too white
Some white folks have told me they’re glad I don’t have an AAVE
Talk to someone different and the standard changes
Half black half white, I never seem to be right
I look fully black but not everyone sees that
Ethnicity and race
The two go hand in hand
The view will change in each hand
The expectations too
That just goes with my ethnicity and race