That’s all I seem to hear
You say that is not right
You’re doing it wrong
You’ll never get it right
That is all I hear from you
You try to help but just keep putting me down
Nothing is ever enough for you
Nothing is ever what you want.
Your way or the highway
Somehow I ended up on the highway trying to follow your instructions
Nothing like the example?
I used the example as my baseline
I did not follow directions?
I did exactly what you said to do
I forgot to do it?
I didn’t even know it existed let alone it was due
I know I am capable until you check my work
Next I know only the word Wrong.
We never see eye to eye
You treat me like I am stepping on your toes
All I am doing is following directions
If you are not pleased with my work then do something different
Show me how to do it step by step
Change how you explain
Imagine I know nothing about the topic as a baseline for what to teach me
That is how I feel by the end of each lecture and grade
Get with the times!
Just because you don’t like something doesn’t make it invalid!
Just because you did not do something a particular way does not make it wrong!
Just because you claim you are trying to help does not mean you are actually helping
Quit trying to make yourself superior
You already had superiority
Though now I see you differently
I respect you for the position you hold,
That does not mean I have to respect you off-duty.
I am just trying to stand on my own feet
Yet you keep holding me back, pushing me down
I am so tired of the torment you put me through
I just want to get out of here
Almost through the semester
Almost out of your hair
Just do me a favor, would you?
Quit cutting off my legs