Eyes full of curiosity
The softest soothing fur
Full of boundless energy
Always wanting to go explore
Always wanting the windows open
Always wanting to go outside
You loved climbing through my suitcase and bags
The boxes and drawers lying open just for you to climb into
Always wrestling with my wolf costume tail
Always so affectionate and sweet
Always providing the best cuddles
Always there for me when I needed you
You were my comfort through thick and thin
Even when you made a mess or made a menace of yourself
You were my baby boy and I could never stay mad at you
I wish we had more time together
I wish there was more I could have done for you
But I will forever cherish the memories I have of you
Now that Jesus is taking care of you, I hope you are doing well
I hope you are enjoying the freedom to explore
I am glad you are no longer in pain
I am sorry I could not relieve it for you and still keep you to myself
Jesus called you back, so I had to let you go
I will miss you forever and love you for evermore
I still talk to you now and again, checking in on how you are doing
I can never hear a response back, but I imagine you cuddling close when I do
No one will ever replace you, even though I am being forced to move on
I will always see you as my baby and hope to see you when it is my turn to meet Jesus
Even when the time for mourning is over, I will think of you fondly and often
I am glad you are at peace, even though I wish you were still here
I love you and miss you, Diogee
Keep exploring for me.